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Angie S.I am a clinical psychologist and a member of Biometics' Health Professional Council. I have used the Biometics products with a number of ADD/ADHD children with very positive results. Generally, the products are: BioFuel, Get-Go-N, Aloe, CalMag, BioAlert and sometimes BioNite (as needed). Also important are Omega-3s found in Cell Care.
Dosages vary with each child/person. One size does not fit all, so you have to work closely with the person to get the results. If you would like, email me or call me and I will go through dosing procedures with you. Finally, I do not have as a goal to stop medication. Many of my kids have been able to discontinue meds, but that decision was made between parents and doctor, or in some cases, the parents just unilaterally made a decision to discontinue meds and try the Biometics products. The main point is that we (as Biometics distributors) don't want to get a reputation that we're recommending children to get off meds. We don't want to pit ourselves against the medical profession, but at the same time, we certainly have many testimonies within the Biometics family about children/adults who have been able to successfully use the products in lieu of meds....we just don't want to promise that to people. Again, if you have any questions about that part too, feel free to ask. Finally, I use a rating scale with kids & would be happy to use it with your person too. I simply ask that I get a copy of the scales (name deleted) because I'm using the data as justification for further research. Good luck. Hope this is helpful. Teresa D"I have a son, Matthew, with ADHD and a learning disability. When he entered kindergarten, he was disruptive in class, had no friends, and was not completing his work. I received notes and/or telephone calls on him almost everyday. When he began Biometics, I started him on a dose for a child. It was not until he was on a full adult dose that I knew the "light bulb" had come on for him. He began to complete his assignments, make friends in class and become proud of his accomplishments. When I first started him on products ... he took and Aloe+ for focus and concentration and Cal/Mag 100, for the hyperactivity. The Bio Alert has added even more concentration and memory. He has just finished 2nd grade making all S's and A's on his spelling tests every Friday. He began 2nd grade at the end of 1st grade reading level but ended 2nd grade reading on the 1st level of 3rd grade. There is no cure of ADD/ADHD; but, I know that Matt would have eventually gone on Ritalin (against my better judgment) had it not been for Biometics."
Lucia (11 years old)"The medicine slows down my body so I can sit still in school and not get in trouble. But my thinking is like a movie going fast forward. With the vitamins my thinking slows down so I can pay attention better and it's easy to sit still. In the two years I have taken the medicine, I haven't grown any and I'm not hungry. Now I eat all the time and I've gained ten pounds. Before I couldn't sleep at night because when I laid down all the wiggles I had stored up all day came out my feet. Now I sleep really good! I like to take the Bio-stuff because I don't get into trouble as much any more."
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