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Liquid Energy
When taking any supplement, absorption is critical. Pills are difficult for the body to digest. The PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) is considered to be a medical Bible. Look at page 1542, it points out a bar graph that nutrients from a pill absorb only 10-20% in our body while the liquid has up to 98% absorbability! In fact, for every $100 you spend in pills, $80-$90 of that gets thrown away!

Aloe PlusAloe PlusALOE PLUS - Soothing Digestive Support NOW AVAILABLE with biocellular micellization! Good health begins with proper digestion. The Aloe Vera Concentrate in ALOE PLUS is soothing to the digestive system, preparing the way for vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed efficiently.*
Cal/Mag 100Cal/Mag 100CAL/MAG 100 - Optimal Bone Protection - A Complete Calcium and Magnesium Supplement: Enhances Skeletal and Other Body Systems. *
Sleep Well
There have been over 200 published clinical studies that state the importance of magnesium.  The concensus of these studies is the Western diet lacks a sufficient amount of magnesium.  Magnesium acts as a natural tranquilizer that helps the body deal with stress.  For the elderly, magnesium supplements were found to improve sleep by decreasing the release of cortisol, which is known to disrupt sleep patterns.  When magnesium levels are low, the nervous system gets out of balance and makes you feel on edge, resulting in the tightening of muscles.  Studies suggest magnesium deficiency is one of the causes of insomnia.  Magnesium’s ability to ease anxiety and relax muscles and nerves lead to a restful night’s sleep.   Several studies show a lack of magnesium can alter electrical activity in the brain, causing agitated sleep and frequent awakenings. "It looks like magnesium is important for a good night's sleep," says USDA researcher Forrest H. Nielsen.

Calcium is another great natural sleep aid.  Calcium contains tryptophan, the amino acid the body uses to produce melatonin.  This is a natural hormone that helps the body induce and maintain sleep.  Tryptophan is more commonly known as the ingredient that makes you sleepy at Thanksgiving.  According to Medical News Today, low levels of calcium are associated with disturbed sleep patterns, including the lack of a deep REM sleep phase.  With inadequate calcium levels, you may find yourself waking up after falling asleep and having trouble returning to sleep.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Best Energy Drink For Liquid Nutrition
©2017 Liquid Energy- Biometics Liquid Vitamins


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