 Phyllis W
Hi All - With all the cold stories going around, I thought I'd add my two cents' worth:
Started feeling something coming on yesterday, so took a serving of Bio Immune and forgot about it. Before bed had my usual Cal/Mag and Flexicare and added some more Bio Immune.
Woke up this morning feeling really pretty crummy - knew something was coming on and I have overnight company coming this afternoon - so my morning drink (usually Bio Fuel, Aloe, Alert, G-G-N and Cell Care) got a little boost with some more Bio Immune plus 15 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract and a Wild Oregano capsule. Late morning I took some more Bio Immune, Cell Care, 15 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract and another Wild Oregano capsule.
I'm a bit tired, but feeling tremendously better. By the time the house is clean, the shopping done and I have a little nap, I should be in great shape for my guests!
Once again, Biometics has come to the rescue!! What a company! What products!!
Everybody MUST KNOW they need this stuff!
 Michael W
I just had to share this with ya'll. I went home early from my "Thirty Year J_O_B" with a 103 temperature & the chills. My manager said I looked like "Death warmed over!" When I got home at 3:30 pm, I received more positive verification from my lovely wife, Lori, "You don't look good, Dear, why don't you get in bed and I will prepare a Biometics cocktail of Bio Immune, Daily Harmony, Cell Care, & Cal/Mag100". Long story short, I woke up this morning at 5:00 am energized, no fever & no chills and ready to attack my day with "Biometics Enthusiasm"! I will be sure to go by my managers office and "drip Biometics on him".
I love this company!!!!!!!!
 Tricia P
It seemed that leading up to the T.G. Holiday, I had been exposed numerous times to some REALLY sick folks....You know, the kind that are hacking from down deep, right in our face! I had credited my avoiding the 'bug' to my usual Morning Cocktail and general good health.
Fast forwarding to two days before Thanks Giving:
My mother-in-law was visiting with us for the week which was the last straw for me. In mid-stay she came down with a horrible cough, definitely a 10 on the scale (probably caught it on the plane). I felt really bad for her for the obvious reasons, but also because this was the week we were looking forward to introducing Biometics to her for her arthritis and overall health.
We sent her home last Saturday still feeling very bad and when I spoke to her two days later she was in bed still feeling rotten. Well, right about then, I was getting a scratchy throat...and prepared myself for the worst.
It just so happens, our Biometics shipment was on the way and in it was the Bio Immune that we had never taken. When I opened the box and read the label, I ray of hope passed through me because it had so many good things in it that I had read about before...Echinacea and Golden Seal to name a few.... and I took a double dose. WOW! I didn't expect it to taste so good..... (This was night before last). Yesterday morning I put it in my cocktail and through the day could almost clock by the hour a reversal in my condition.
This morning I have a little sniffle and by tomorrow I predict I will be myself again! It's so amazing, because one knows when their at the mercy of some 'bug', and that's right where I was.
Needless to say, today I planned to make my mother-in-laws order for her Arthritis and will add the Bio Immune for good luck.
I just love the thought that I may never need to ever take over the counter remedies.....and better yet....think that my days of colds and flues could be a thing of the past.
Once again....Biometics Delivers!!!
Bless You All and Wishing You A Healthy, Joyous Season.
 Dr. Dennis Kramer
BIO IMMUNE is a wonderful general immune system stimulator, terrific for this time of year with cold & flu season knocking on our door.”
Find Out Why Biometics is the BEST!
Supports advanced nutrition by providing all of the nutrients and minerals needed for a healthy diet. This program also contains CAL/MAG 100, the only product with 100 percent of the US Daily Values of Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc in a form that is completely absorbed by the body.