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Liquid Energy
When taking any supplement, absorption is critical. Pills are difficult for the body to digest. The PDR (Physicians Desk Reference) is considered to be a medical Bible. Look at page 1542, it points out a bar graph that nutrients from a pill absorb only 10-20% in our body while the liquid has up to 98% absorbability! In fact, for every $100 you spend in pills, $80-$90 of that gets thrown away!

Aloe PlusAloe PlusALOE PLUS - Soothing Digestive Support NOW AVAILABLE with biocellular micellization! Good health begins with proper digestion. The Aloe Vera Concentrate in ALOE PLUS is soothing to the digestive system, preparing the way for vitamins and nutrients to be absorbed efficiently.*
Cal/Mag 100Cal/Mag 100CAL/MAG 100 - Optimal Bone Protection - A Complete Calcium and Magnesium Supplement: Enhances Skeletal and Other Body Systems. *
Healthy Heart Tips
1. Avoid Smoking and Tobacco

1. Avoid Smoking and Tobacco

Smoking and tobacco use are two of the biggest factors in developing heart disease.  The chemicals in tobacco can damage your heart and blood vessels.  This can cause atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack.  The nicotine in smoke narrows your blood vessels, which causes your heart to work harder.  The carbon monoxide in the cigarette smoke replaces oxygen in the blood, which places a greater strain on the heart. Smoking and tobacco use are two of the biggest factors in developing heart disease.  The chemicals in tobacco can damage your heart and blood vessels.  This can cause atherosclerosis, a narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack.  The nicotine in smoke narrows your blood vessels, which causes your heart to work harder.  The carbon monoxide in the cigarette smoke replaces oxygen in the blood, which places a greater strain on the heart. 
2. Exercise for 30 minutes on most days of the week

2. Exercise for 30 minutes on most days of the week

Exercise reduces the risk of heart disease. Physical activity helps a person control their weight and avoid conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.  Try to get at least 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week.  Remember, activities like gardening, housekeeping, walking the dogs, taking the stairs all count!
3. Eat a heart-healthy diet

3. Eat a heart-healthy diet

Limit your consumption of foods high in fat, cholesterol, and salt.  Diets rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products, can go a long way in helping your heart.  Low-fat sources of protein and certain types of fish can also reduce your risk of heart disease.

It is also important to limit your fake intake.  Saturated fat and Trans fat increase the risk of coronary artery disease by raising blood cholesterol levels.  Omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat, can decrease your risk of heart attack, protect against irregular heartbeats and lower blood pressure. 
4. Maintain a healthy weight

4. Maintain a healthy weight

Calculate your body mass index (BMI).  BMI is a measurement of your weight and height to determine if you have a healthy amount of body fat.  BMI scores above 25 have higher risk for blood fats, high blood pressure, and heart disease or stroke.  Note: Muscular people may have skewed results because muscle is heavier than fat. 
5. Get regular health screenings

5. Get regular health screenings

See a doctor regularly.  Adults should have their blood pressure checked every two years.  If your blood pressure is above 120/80 millimeters of mercury, you should see a doctor more frequently.  Cholesterol levels should be measured once every five years and the frequency should increase if there is a risk of heart disease or bad scores. 
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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©2017 Liquid Energy- Biometics Liquid Vitamins


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